In the previous post, we looked at using the standard (button-click) way to create a new child record using Publisher Actions. Pretty basic stuff. Using Visualforce to create a custom action is a bit harder. Let's start with the documentation. The PDF provided by clicking on the link in the Actions screen (Account action is […]
Chatter Publisher Actions (Part 1): Create a Record
One of the most interesting – but least explained – features of Summer 13 (184) is Chatter Actions. There are three kinds of actions (Yes, you thought there were two, but there are more!) and after writing a few of each, here are some examples. The documentation is, as of this writing, both incomplete and […]
Best Practice: Multiple Chatter Posts of the Same File
Salesforce Administrators learn to remind users: “Search before you create a new lead.” Pretty simple, right? Duplicated records are a pain. Then why do I see some very accomplished Salesforce users in the Dreamforce app posting duplicate Content/Files in Chatter? Here are some examples from the Files tab: The better thing to do – assuming […]
Chatter and the CLM
I love Chatter. I love the way that it is a game-changer. I think that Chatter is a powerful tool. But as Peter Parker's Uncle Ben said, "With great power comes great responsibility," and with the possibility of great rewards from Chatter comes great risks. First I'll list my conclusions, just so there's no misunderstanding. […]