With the impending arrival of the Winter 2010 (aka 162 or Winter'10) edition of Salesforce CRM, as with every other release, comes a prerelease org. (You can get one at https://www.salesforce.com/form/trial/prerelease_winter10.jsp.)
Every time one encounters a fresh org, there are maintenance tasks to perform. I usually go through an org (whether a Developer Edition org or a Prerelease version) and do the same tasks, generally in no particular order. This time, however, I wrote down what I did as I did it. Looking at the list, it's hardly in any "best practices" order at all - it's just how I did it.
There's no need to follow every step, and it is not a complete list of all possibilities, but this should give you some idea of the possibilities and available tweaks: (*** indicates some of the new features in WInter '10)
- Save login with 1Password/Roboform
- Reset (Set) Security Token
- Administration Setup | Security Controls
- Session time 8 hrs
- Passwords never expire
- Create Record Types (and Business Processes) for Lead, Opportunity, Case
- (Campaigns were not enabled in this prerelease org) - would have configured them here, similarly
- Activities section: Calendar link on sidebar
- Download latest versions of Connect for Outlook, Office Edition
- Opportunities:
- Enable Similar Opportunities
- Enable Opportunity Teams
- Create Account Master Record Type
- Enable Account Teams
- Create Contact Master Record Type
- Note: Asked to add to page layout. Not asked for Opportunities.
- Enable Case Teams
- Enable Public Solutions
- Solutions:
- Enable Solution Browsing
- Enable Solution HTML
- Could have created a Solution Process & Record Type
- Did not enable multilingual solutions
- Enable Self-Service
- Enable Web-to-Case
- Create default Owner, etc (auto prompted)
- Enable PRM and Partner Portal (though have no licenses)
- Salesforce to Salesforce
- Enabled S2S
- Set up S2S Connection Finder ***
- Added fields to page layout - Kept read-only for all profiles except System Administrator
- Enable Public & Private Tags
- Enable Console for all Profiles
- Search Settings - Enable Enhanced Lookup & Auto-Complete
- User Interface
- Separate loading of related lists
- Spell Checker on Tasks & Events
- Collapsible Sidebar
- Custom Sidebar on all Pages
- Enhanced Profile Management ***
- Set myself as default Workflow User
- Looked at Develop | Custom Settings ***
- Created a Default Queue and added myself
- Set all Sharing Rules to Private
- Update Home Page to the way I like it
- Order of wide section (top down): Calendar, Tasks, Items to Approve, Dashboard
- No changes to narrow section
Other things that may be possible in other orgs:
- Enable Customer Portal
- Customize Campaigns
- Set up Sites
Again, this is not meant to be a complete list. Also, it is not intended to be a how-to; for more information you may search the Help link at the top of every org page, check Salesforce Community, or Developer Force.
Happy configuring!
Totally stealing this plus my 0.02c worth:
Create roles to match the company org, where no org is available, be guided by the project leader on the client’s side
Add Role.
Once you have created the roles, assign users to those roles dependent on sharing/viewing information.
Add an Executive Administrator who will assist the Executive or CEO and allow them access to edit everything.
Finally, go to Administration Setup > Security Controls > Sharing Settings > and set up sharing rules to share all records read/write/edit between CEO/Executive and CEO/Executive or else the CEO will not be able to view or edit Accounts, Contacts, Reports etc which TFG creates.
And what do you mean it’s not a “How To”? Many an aspiring admin will be using this as the be all and end all to prepping a new org.