Salesforce Administrators learn to remind users: “Search before you create a new lead.” Pretty simple, right? Duplicated records are a pain. Then why do I see some very accomplished Salesforce users in the Dreamforce app posting duplicate Content/Files in Chatter? Here are some examples from the Files tab: The better thing to do – assuming […]
Archives for 2011
Next Birthday Formula
PageReference Best Practice
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PersonAccount Stay-In-Touch Gotcha
I make no secret that I’m a fan of PersonAccounts. I think they’re very handy when working with individuals instead of companies, and I really like pairing them with the Relationship Groups app to make households. I’ve always considered them as mostly-contacts. I put all Person fields on the Contact object, reserving very few for […]
Chatter BINGO Released Into The Wild
With Dreamforce 2010 behind us and Dreamforce 2011 fast approaching, the first ever crowdsourced conference application is publicly available! Chatter BINGO has been released as an unmanaged package, meaning that all the source code is open and ready for customizing to your hearts’ content. Chatter BINGO was conceived by Chris Shackelford and Brad Gross (@imperialstout) […]
Activity Type Field – Do Not Use
Which has the most potential for enterprise-wide adoption: iPad or Cr-48?
This is a collaborative post with Nick Hamm (@hammnick), Director of Technology at Infowelders and David Schach (@dschach) from X-Squared On Demand. After a conversation via twitter, we decided to collaborate on a blog post (via Google Docs, of course) and are publishing it in our own blogs simultaneously. With all of the hype around […]